Rs. 3,000
Business Starter
1-5 Email Accounts

Professional email powered by Gmail

A cloud-based productivity suite

30 GB cloud storage on Google Drive

Real-time collaboration with Docs & Sheets

Easily connect through Hangouts & Calendar

Enhanced security provided by Google

Outlook Email Client with G Suite Sync

Rs. 199
Business Standard
6-25 Email Accounts

Professional email powered by Gmail

A cloud-based productivity suite

30 GB cloud storage on Google Drive

Real-time collaboration with Docs & Sheets

Easily connect through Hangouts & Calendar

Enhanced security provided by Google

Outlook Email Client with G Suite Sync

Rs. 199
Business Plus
26-49 Email Accounts

Professional email powered by Gmail

A cloud-based productivity suite

30 GB cloud storage on Google Drive

Real-time collaboration with Docs & Sheets

Easily connect through Hangouts & Calendar

Enhanced security provided by Google

Outlook Email Client with G Suite Sync

Rs. 199
50 or more Email Accounts

Professional email powered by Gmail

A cloud-based productivity suite

30 GB cloud storage on Google Drive

Real-time collaboration with Docs & Sheets

Easily connect through Hangouts & Calendar

Enhanced security provided by Google

Outlook Email Client with G Suite Sync